Travel to Kruszwica
- By Air:
The nearest airports are: Paderewski Airport in Bydgoszcz
– about 60 km from Kruszwica, Lawica Airport in Poznan
– about 110 km from Kruszwica and Chopin Warsaw Airport in Warsaw
– about 250 km from Kruszwica or Wrocław Airport
– about 230 km from Kruszwica.
Transport from all airports is provided by the organizer.
- By Road:
In order to get from Warsaw to Kruszwica, you have to take route 62, from Poznan you have to take route 5/E261 and then
route 15 and fromWroclaw you have to take route 25.
All participants of the European Rowing Under 23 Championships 2017 will be accommodated in two sanatorium hotels.
Breakfasts and dinners will be served at the hotels, while lunches will be provided on the regatta course.
Transport from the hotels to Kruszwica will be provided as well. The hotels are located 17 km away from the destination.
The cost of accommodation per day including breakfast,
lunch and dinner are:
- single room 90 Euro,
- double room 75 Euro,
- 3 person room 65 Euro.
- ENERGETYK Hotel - can accommodate
400 peoples.
Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe
ENERGETYK Sp. z o.o.
88-100 Inowrocław ul. Wilkońskiego 2;
tel. 48 52 353 57 00
fax. 48 52 353 57 30
- OAZA Hotel - can accommodate 200 peoples.
Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe Ośrodek Rehabilitacji i Odnowy Biologicznej „OAZA”
d. Sanatorium Metalowiec
70 88-100 Inowrocław, ul. Świętokrzyska 76
tel. 48 52 355 11 22,
fax 48 52 355 11 26